Scrolling text on LED matrices using SPI and arduino Mega2560


Man I would love to know what you mean by

byte ss0 = 10; //MSB
byte ss1 = 9;
byte ss2 = 8;
byte ss3 = 7; // LSB

I realize on the Uno board you have SS is pin 10 but pins 9, 8, and 7 aren't SPI pinouts...

I know the MSB and LSB = Most and least significant Bits.....

so heres a guess I'll throw out for the Mega 2560 SS is pin 53. so we know this:

SPI pin outs used for this on the Mega 2560 are: SPI: 50 (MISO), 51 (MOSI), 52 (SCK), 53 (SS)

so if i were to wire it up and define the pinMode as:

ss0 = 53 // MSB
ss1 = 49
ss2 = 48
ss3 = 47 // LSB (because 52 -50) are the other SPI pinouts needed....

would that work?