Project Streaming Audio over Serial With C# (Fall)

Hello to all :slight_smile:

my English is not good :confused:

I prepared this project for those who, like myself, are having a problem with this subject.

This project works 100% :slight_smile:

Project with C # and Arduino.

Documentation inside the project is available.

Project Streaming Audio over Serial With C# (Fall).zip (1.13 MB)

Please provide more information.

In your title you mention C# which cannot work on an Arduino board - has this project anything to do with Arduinos?

People will be reluctant to open a ZIP file from an unknown source.


Sorry, I did not give enough information

This project is related to this topic.

See this link : Streaming Audio over Serial - Exhibition - Arduino Forum

Only I made this project more complete.

I fixed some errors and problems

I wrote the sender to C # with the source for download.