I2C EEPROM simple read and write functions

While working on a Reverse Geo Cache project i came across the need to store variables for future use. Since I roll my own boards this required an external I2C EEPROM. Running into multiple problems while trying to write floats and long int's with typical bit-by-bit writing methods I modified the "EEPROM Write Anything" header file to work with a 24LC256 EEPROM (and others with a definition change).

I did a write up (link below) explaining some of the changes and posted some example code to get things rolling.

I hope this helps someone attempting to interface with external memory. Happy Hacking!

Note there are issues with 64 bytes pages boundaries. See my article on the playground no url at hand, sorry.

Note there are issues with 64 bytes pages boundaries. See my article on the playground no url at hand, sorry.

I saw that i cannot find the post either. As you can see the majority of the I2C portion (Wire funcitons) are based off of your code with some slight modifications. I figured out that i can create more than one structure to split up the data if the byte count gets to close to 64-bytes.

The link - Arduino Playground - LibraryForI2CEEPROM - :slight_smile: