Help making a stepper motor work with Motomama shield.

Hi all.

I am very new to electronics and am trying to make a stepper motor work a small hoist, but cannot get it to function at all.
I have an Arduino UNO,
a 42BYGHW811 4-wire bipolar stepper motor NEMA-17 Bipolar 48mm Stepper - 3303_0 at Phidgets
a Motomama Shield
and a switching mode power supply.

However I can't get it to work with any code or pin combination.
So far I am feeding power through the VIN port on the Motomama shield but am not getting any output through the Out1,2,3,4 ports. The Motomama shield should be using pin 8,9 and 12, 13 on the Arduino and I have tried this code, but still cannot measure any output through the Out-ports.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance

void setup()
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);   // sets the pin as output
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);   // sets the pin as output
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);   // sets the pin as output
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);   // sets the pin as output

void loop()

You need to put a high on the EN pins too..... the inputs on a L298 only go through as outputs of Vin if the A or B channel is enabled

That was the problem!

Thank you so much. Should just have googled L298 instead of the Motomama to begin with.

Now everything works :slight_smile: