Fuel Pressure Sensor for Vehicle Application


the simplest solution (I think) would be to use an analog oil pressure sensor

I hadn't thought to use an automotive oil pressure sender... So something like this perhaps?

It certainly borders on cheap enough to play around with, but I don't like burning $20s either if someone can tell me that's all I'd be doing :slight_smile:

Probably too cheap for the job you want to do. Oil pressure senders in cars aren't that accurate, they don't need to be, and are largely there for decoration, which goes some way to explain why most modern cars don't bother with them.

Two questions, though:

  1. Are you sure the system doesn't already have a fuel pressure sensor?

I would have thought that, if it was merited, that would be a pretty obvious item in a modern electronic fuel injection system.

  1. What would you do with the data once you obtained it?

I had an older injection system and the manual had nearly as much ink in it telling you what you can't do as telling you what you could do. I imagine the situation has only gotten worse in that respect.