Atmega 328 and TLC5940 routing

I prefer DipTrace, and I've been using it for the last year for my personal projects. I know Eagle might be more powerful and has a gigantic user base, but I like DipTrace better. The free version is great and should be enough even for more advanced hobbists.

Back on topic: ditch that layout, since there are several problems with it:

  • the crystal is too far from the 328
  • there are sharp corners in the traces. Never, NEVER route traces with 90º angles.
  • there is no bypass capacitors for either chip
  • it is good practice to use every space left in the board (in its signal side) for a copper pour linked to the ground net.

If you decide to go ahead and use that circuit anyway, that one is easier done with a perfboard, rather than etched. Make use you use DIP sockets, instead of soldering the chips directly to the board.