combine elements from two sketches

I have just added some brackets and encoder0Pos-- and encoder0Pos++ and it worked.

void loop()

  n = digitalRead(encoder0PinA);// value of n = n is default LOW
  if ((encoder0PinALast == HIGH) && (n == LOW)) // int encoder0PinALast default LOW
    if (digitalRead(encoder0PinB) == LOW)
  if(lastButtonPushed = buttonPinLeft)

    else if 
  (lastButtonPushed = buttonPinRight)

    encoder0PinALast = n;

  navigateMenus();  //in some situations I want to use the button for other purpose (eg. to change some settings)
  readButtons();  //I splitted button reading and navigation in two procedures because 

ONE thing about this is that I have PINS assisigned to 43 and 45 for "buttonPinLeft" and "buttonPinRight". I can remove the wire connections for these and it still works but I have lost the use of TWO pins? If I remove 43 and 45 to become

const int encoderLeftRotation;
const int encoderRightRotation;

I get an uninitialized error.

Any Ideas on this...............anyone!

UKHeliBob as a reward for all your help Karma is duly awarded.