[SOLVED] Trying to Randomly Move a Servo

Basically I am trying to "blink an eye." The servo is connect to an eyelid and I want it to blink all the open or closed. I have a randomized code that moves the servo to random locations. How would I go about coding this to move it randomly from closed to open without stopping in the middle?

#include <Servo.h>

 Servo myservo;
 int pos = 0;
 int delay1 = 0;
 void setup()
 void loop()
 delay1=random(50, 500); 
bool open = random(2); // open is 0 or 1 ie false or true
// Three ways to do it with varying levels of verboseness
// 1:
if (open) {
else {
// 2:
eye.write(open? 120 : 30);
// 3:
eye.write(90*open + 30);

I just don't know enough about writing a program to implement your code. I guess I will have to keep studying...

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;
boolean state;

void setup()
void loop()
  state = random(2);
  if (state) myservo.write(115); //open
  else myservo.write(65); //close
  delay(random(50, 500));

This will randomly either close, or open the eye, and wait a random delay. If you want the numbers to be very random, use http://code.google.com/p/tinkerit/wiki/TrueRandom.

Thanks dkl65

Haven't looked at boolean yet. That is where I was stumped.


I intuit that the syntax:

(open? 120 : 30)

is a test for open, and if it's true return 120, else return 30.

But I can't find the syntax anywhere in the Arduino Reference so I'm intrigued as to where you found out about it. Is it lurking in the reference somewhere that I didn't see?


I intuit that the syntax:

(open? 120 : 30)

is a test for open, and if it's true return 120, else return 30.

But I can't find the syntax anywhere in the Arduino Reference so I'm intrigued as to where you found out about it. Is it lurking in the reference somewhere that I didn't see?

Trick from C, not specific to Arduino:

You can also try www.cplusplus.com for C++ code reference. The Arduino reference focuses on functions in the Arduino library, rather than C/C++ itself.