[SOLVED] Leakage current in a driver IC; how to compensate?

Thank makes sense, but can it be done? The shield is good for everything else I'm doing (driving 6 tubes).

I had assumed this would be easy since the ArduiNix folks supply code on their site for using the shield directly with bulbs as clock separators, and state elsewhere on the forum that it works great. There's only a simple note about using a bigger resistor for the separators (which so far has only given me a very dim 'on' when it's large enough to blank it when 'off'). I do have a thread on the ArduiNix forum about this, but there's been no activity on the forum at all since I posted it two weeks ago.

Is this not possible? Should I try something completely different? I did assemble my shield with headers that allow me access to the Arduino pins at 0/5V, and I do have one anode from the ArduiNix at 0/170V not being used for tubes. I suppose I could route those to something different and bypass the driver ICs? Something with transistors there? Would that be better?