Due pinout diagram

Ok I'll carry on, I actually did quite a lot today and yes it's getting pretty big. Except for the photo it's a vector drawing so can be printed at any size as a cheat sheet for the wall or wherever.

For that I either need a better quality photo or yes I can draw a vector overlay, after all you don't really need a photo with every component although it does look nice.

Does anyone have a hi-res pic of a Due? This one is from the product page, it has a lot of flare and is lo-res anyway. Good quality and NO barrel distortion please. If I get a Due I'll shoot my own from a great distance so there's little perspective distortion. (I did work as a product photographer in a past life)

As for the bottom pins, currently I favour breaking that section off, but I'll play with CR's idea and see how readable it is. Often this creates too many parallel lines that are hard to follow though.

I am also noticing that some Arduino names are NOT the same as the SAM names. For example

 *  16       TXD1  |  PA13  | "TX2"
 *  17       RXD1  |  PA12  | "RX2"
 *  18       TXD0  |  PA11  | "TX1"
 *  19       RXD0  |  PA10  | "RX1"

from variant.cpp.

Note that the SAM UART # and the Arduino Serial # do not match. Why I can not say but that's a trap for young players.

I'll post a more complete version in a few hours.


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