RTC tid - Hvordan sætter jeg den---

Jeg har købt mig et lille arduino board med et shield 4.0 og et RTC modul.
Jeg troede faktist jeg havde lidt styr på sådanne noger her men, det går ikke ret godt lige nu.

Jeg har fundet en kode der burde virket til det jeg skal bruge det til, nemlig at styre LED lyset over mit akvare. Jeg bruger også blå og hvide. Jeg bruger PVM til at styre "spolerne".

Koden kan compaile, men det output jeg måler passer ikke til det jeg forventer. Jeg måler med et normalt multimeter og måler fra 0,2 til 1,6, stigende og faldende hele tide. Jeg forventede at den skulle stige til 3,3v og holde den der i x minuter og falde igen.

(mere tekst under kode)

// Pins to control LEDs. Change these if you're using different pins.
int blueLed = 9; // LED PWM channel for blues
int whiteLed = 10; // LED PWM channel for whites

// Set up RTC

#include "Wire.h"
#define DS1307_I2C_ADDRESS 0x68

// RTC variables
byte second, rtcMins, oldMins, rtcHrs, oldHrs, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, month, year;

// Other variables. These control the behavior of lighting. Change these to customize behavoir
int minCounter = 0; // counter that resets at midnight. Don't change this.
int blueStartMins = 0; // minute to start blues. Change this to the number of minutes past
// midnight you want the blues to start.
int whiteStartMins = 0; // minute to start whites. Same as above.
int bluePhotoPeriod = 1240; // photoperiod in minutes, blues. Change this to alter the total
// photoperiod for blues.
int whitePhotoPeriod = 1240; // photoperiod in minutes, whites. Same as above.
int fadeDuration = 5; // duration of the fade on and off for sunrise and sunset. Change
// this to alter how long the fade lasts.
int blueMax = 200; // max intensity for blues. Change if you want to limit max intensity.
int whiteMax = 255; // max intensity for whites. Same as above.

/****** LED Functions /
//function to set LED brightness according to time of day
//function has three equal phases - ramp up, hold, and ramp down
void setLed(int mins, // current time in minutes
int ledPin, // pin for this channel of LEDs
int start, // start time for this channel of LEDs
int period, // photoperiod for this channel of LEDs
int fade, // fade duration for this channel of LEDs
int ledMax // max value for this channel
) {
if (mins > start && mins <= start + fade) {
analogWrite(ledPin, map(mins - start, 0, fade, 0, ledMax));
if (mins > start + period && mins <= start + period - fade) {
analogWrite(ledPin, ledMax);
if (mins > start + period - fade && mins <= start + period) {
analogWrite(ledPin, map(mins - start + period - fade, 0, fade, ledMax, 0));

/***** RTC Functions /
// Convert normal decimal numbers to binary coded decimal
byte decToBcd(byte val)
return ( (val/10
16) + (val%10) );

// Convert binary coded decimal to normal decimal numbers
byte bcdToDec(byte val)
return ( (val/16*10) + (val%16) );

// 1) Sets the date and time on the ds1307
// 2) Starts the clock
// 3) Sets hour mode to 24 hour clock
// Assumes you're passing in valid numbers.
void setDateDs1307(byte second, // 0-59
byte minute, // 0-59
byte hour, // 1-23
byte dayOfWeek, // 1-7
byte dayOfMonth, // 1-28/29/30/31
byte month, // 1-12
byte year) // 0-99

// Gets the date and time from the ds1307
void getDateDs1307(byte *second,
byte *minute,
byte *hour,
byte *dayOfWeek,
byte *dayOfMonth,
byte *month,
byte *year)

Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_I2C_ADDRESS, 7);

*second = bcdToDec(Wire.receive() & 0x7f);
*minute = bcdToDec(Wire.receive());
*hour = bcdToDec(Wire.receive() & 0x3f);
*dayOfWeek = bcdToDec(Wire.receive());
*dayOfMonth = bcdToDec(Wire.receive());
*month = bcdToDec(Wire.receive());
*year = bcdToDec(Wire.receive());

void setup() {

// init I2C

/***** Main Loop /
void loop() {
// get time from RTC and put in hrs and mins variables
getDateDs1307(&second, &rtcMins, &rtcHrs, &dayOfWeek, &dayOfMonth, &month, &year);
minCounter = rtcHrs * 60 + rtcMins;

// determine if it is day or night, and act accordingly
if ((minCounter > blueStartMins || minCounter > whiteStartMins)
&& (minCounter < blueStartMins + bluePhotoPeriod || minCounter < whiteStartMins + whitePhotoPeriod)) { //day
// set LED states
setLed(minCounter, blueLed, blueStartMins, bluePhotoPeriod, fadeDuration, blueMax);
setLed(minCounter, whiteLed, whiteStartMins, whitePhotoPeriod, fadeDuration, whiteMax);
else { //night
analogWrite(blueLed, 0);
analogWrite(whiteLed, 0);

// Get ready for next iteration of loop

Jeg har ikke ændre noget på tiden -> skal jeg det? og hvis jeg skal hvordan skriver jeg det så.

Jeg har også fundet en anden kode hvor jeg kan stille tiden på RTC. Vi denne blive overøfrt når jeg indlæser den første kode igen?

Og så lige et tillægsspørgsmål: hvordan sætter jeg kode ind i forum meddelse?

Og så lige et tillægsspørgsmål: hvordan sætter jeg kode ind i forum meddelse?

Markera koden och tryck på knappen # bland verktygen.

void setLed(int mins,    // current time in minutes
           int ledPin,  // pin for this channel of LEDs
           int start,   // start time for this channel of LEDs
           int period,  // photoperiod for this channel of LEDs
           int fade,    // fade duration for this channel of LEDs
           int ledMax   // max value for this channel
           )  {
 if (mins > start && mins <= start + fade)  {
   analogWrite(ledPin, map(mins - start, 0, fade, 0, ledMax));
   if (mins > start + [glow]period [/glow] && mins <= start + period - fade)  {
   analogWrite(ledPin, ledMax);
   if (mins > start + period - fade && mins <= start + period)  {
   analogWrite(ledPin, map(mins - start + period - fade, 0, fade, ledMax, 0));

Prova att byta higlightat period till "fade".

Det ser ud til at virke nu. Det er virkelig godt fundet.
Tusinde tak for hjælpen.