Ardutester - Arduino Component Tester

Great work

I notice that on breadboard the capacitance tests are not that great, and even with no cap in place you still get significant reading.I realize this probably to do with the capacitance of leads/connections.

You can increase de value of #define CAP_PROBELEADS & #define CAP_WIRES :smiley:

A relative function would be great to "REL" the leads rather than trimming in the code.

I was also thinking that a ESR reading of the cap may also be a useful measurement to display.



Hi Rupert,

the code is in constant development and in a few days will be released an improved version.
I'm working on inductance meter and ESR meter; all in ArduTester!

with 07 version will be introduced a new function: PC link.
I'm writing a cross-platform software that once you connected to Ardutest provide additional information about tested components. :smiley: