problems reading data from Processing in arduino

like i said, i had it working with a char array:

void serialEvent() 
  if(Serial.available() >17)
   Serial.readBytesUntil('\n',input, 18)
for(int i = 0; i <18; i++)

which worked fine for returning the data i sent to the arduino.
I also preffer arrays, and the code in which i used the string is another test.

The problem is that i want to drive a servo with the data i get from my pc.
I tried using this code to get the values split up, but this wouldnt work for me:

 char *p = input;
 char *str;
 while ((str = strtok_r(p, ",", &p)) != '\n') // delimiter is the semicolon
   value[z] = *str;
   p = NULL;

any ideas?