Newbie Seeking Guidence on Software and Hardware

Thanks again for the reply, deSilva. When you say c-tag PROGMEM, are you saying I should just create some arrays in my initial setup function, and in my program loop, loop through those arrays? I did a search of that term "c-tag PROGMEM" and Google brought me back to this post (dang they're fast).

Hehe, I'd already started laying out my 512 bytes of EEProm memory in my spreadsheet. I guess what I was planning to do was write up a function on my Ardunio that allowed programming to the EEProm (using the library functions), and have this accessible via a serial command, then use some windows software I wrote to write the table up.

I think it is desirable to have the fault conditions (i.e., Fault0 pin goes high, what are the Relay0-15 outputs when this happen) to be configurable. System changes happen often enough that change how we want the faults to be handled....reprogramming the MCU doesn't seem like a desirable approach to me.

What Relay output responds to What Switch input and turns on What Light output won't change hardly at all. And if it does change, I would be involved and be OK with reprogramming the MCU.