Please help with aquarium lights - one more question- solved


This value is used to calculate many other parameters. Now it become too complicated as is very masive. For example :

if (((ontime * 60) + photoperiod + whiteramptime + 2blueramptime + (blueramptime/109)) >= daybyminute)

Now i need to use "sizeof(bluepercent)/sizeof(bluepercent[0])" instead of 10. And "sizeof(bluepercent)/sizeof(bluepercent[0])" -1 instead of 9.

becomes : if (((ontime * 60) + photoperiod + whiteramptime + 2*blueramptime + (blueramptime/sizeof(bluepercent)/sizeof(bluepercent[0])*sizeof(bluepercent)/sizeof(bluepercent[0])-1)) >= daybyminute)

Seems crazy to me :grin: Please advice on this.

Can I do like that:

Int array;
array = sizeof(bluepercent)/sizeof(bluepercent[0]);
if (((ontime * 60) + photoperiod + whiteramptime + 2blueramptime + (blueramptime/array(array-1))) >= daybyminute)