New library for PWM playback from SD cards: SimpleSDAudio

I have done/tried a set-up using the SimpleSDAudio lib as the audio output.

the most simple design, straight outout put on pin9 via a 100uF polarized cap.

the pwm 'works'... but you get noise in the audio.


+3.3v @ 8MHz internal clock (ie; no crystal, cap or resonator)
straight connect microSD (ie: no level shifter or voltage divider)
3 x leds on PWM fade
5 x leds (digital on/off)
no filter
no amp

(I need to learn more about low-pass filter set-up and using an amp better) :frowning:


is there any schematics or anything for your BabyBOOMER?

Does it need the 'dual' output? I only have set-up where Im outputting on pin9 only (most basic)..

looking for the smallest way to get better sound.. :slight_smile:
