Problem with transmitting IMU/GPS/Ultrasonic data over Nrf24L01

hmmmm. ok not what i was hoping to do. i would like to do is read in the first 100 chars form serial2 and out that in 1 array and print to to serial so not $$$$$$$ then next line GGGGGG etc i should be $GPRMC*** etc.

can you comment my code and show where elements are being created because i have 1 array named GpsStr[100] already i just want to stuff that one with the first 100 chars print it(for now, hopefully send ti to some struct or union and convert it and send it.)

From what you said it seems like i am making a new array and fulling it with 1 char x 100 printing it and filling it with the next char and printing that x 100 for as long as loop runs.
i figure if im going to learn arrays and pointers and structs and unions and type casting i need to start at the beginning.

So making 1 array and stuffing it with serial data i figured would be the simple start lol.