How to config serproxy at "com10"

Just had this same problem, but had no option to work on COM port less than 10 on Windows.. And it seems that is the problem:

The designers of Microsoft Windows could not conceive of machines with more than 9 serial ports. As a consequence, you cannot use conventional port names beyond COM9:
To deal with this oversight, newer versions of windows require the following notation for port numbers beyond 9:

I managed to find the sources of serproxy-0.1.3 here:

and if line 211 in sio.c is changed from

sprintf(filename, "COM%hd", sio->info.port);


sprintf(filename, "\\\\.\\COM%hd", sio->info.port);

then COM10 works too...

Same thing is done on this forum (in a Spanish language post): :wink:
