Arduino Motor Shield Stepper Motor control with Joystick

Hi Ash

I amended the code accordingly but still no luck. Giving me one-liner codes won't really help me since I don't know arduino coding or any other type of programming to a huge extend.

Here is the code the last time with the changes...

#include <Stepper.h>

const int spr = 200; // motor steps per revolution
const int pwm_cha = 3;
const int pwm_chb = 11;
const int dir_cha = 12;
const int dir_chb = 13;
const int brake_cha = 9;
const int brake_chb = 8;

int Pot1 = A0;

Stepper stepper(spr, dir_cha, dir_chb);

void setup()
pinMode(Pot1, INPUT);
pinMode(pwm_cha, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwm_chb, OUTPUT);
pinMode(brake_cha, OUTPUT);
pinMode(brake_chb, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pwm_cha, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pwm_chb, HIGH);
digitalWrite(brake_cha, LOW);
digitalWrite(brake_chb, LOW);

void loop()
int PVal=analogRead(Pot1);
if (PVal >= 507 || PVal <= 517)

if (PVal > 517 )
int K= map (PVal, 518,1023,0,75); // max is the value that you get from your experiment with the max speed of the stepper before stalling
stepper.setSpeed(K); //this set the speed of the stepper motor
stepper.step(spr); //this set the direction and the number of step it would take
if (PVal < 507 )
int K= map (PVal, 0,506,0,75); // max is the value that you get from your experiment with the max speed of the stepper before stalling
stepper.setSpeed(K); //this set the speed of the stepper motor
stepper.step(-spr); //this set the direction and the number of step it would take

For some reason nothing is happening.

But thanks anyway for your help. I'm sure I'll manage somehow somewhere eventually while searching the net. I need a solution quite urgent and can't struggle like this for too long.
