Using android mobile to control arduino

Hi kerimil.
First I would like to say thanks so much for sharing your work!
I would love if you could help me...
I'm working on a project similar to a previous project I've made a few months ago (you can visit my website to check my project Arduino - Control DC Motor via Bluetooth | Random Nerd Tutorials)

In my previous project I was controlling one DC motor... But now instead of controlling one DC motor I want to control 2 DC motors... my code is working perfectly when I'm using the BlueTerm app for android. (BlueTerm app is similar to putty it sends information to my arduino via bluetooth....) And my circuit is pretty much the same as the one i've showed on my website... I just added another motor... My circuit is working perfectly because it works with the serial monitor (when i send 1,2,3,4,5... and when I send via blueterm app those numbers)

And I want to create an App to send that same information to my arduino but with MIT App Inventor...
here is my arduino code:
here is my Mit App Inventor code:

I've tried to replicate your code to my project but It's not working. (I'm using HC-05 Bluetooth Module)
I can't find out my problem and I've searched a lot...

My app connects fine to my bluetooth module but when I click forward, left ... nothing happens.
So It's a problem with my app... somethings is missing...

Could you please take a look at my code and project?
And try to help me out I would be really thankful! I want to share this project with my friends on randomnerdtutorials and of course I will give you credit for helping me out!!

Thanks again and best regards,
Rui Santos

P.S. I would like that my app looks similar to this: