Weird issue: Micro won't transmit win8

I'm sorry. This is an Arduino Micro r3 from Radio Shack. Running Windows 8 64

I found the problem, I think. In all the sketches that aren't working, it says "wait for serial - needed for Leonardo only" which obviously applies to the Micro as well.

The ASCII table serial output program doesn't work because the serial connection opens AFTER it transmitted. If I remove the end of the program

  // if printed last visible character '~' or 126, stop: 
//  if(thisByte == 126) {     // you could also use if (thisByte == '~') {
    // This loop loops forever and does nothing
//    while(true) { 
//      continue; 
//    } 
//  }
  // go on to the next character

I commented it all out, so it constantly repeats itself. (Not print it only once) then open serial monitor, it works great.

So it seems for some reason the "wait for serial connection THEN output serial data" part is not working on the Micro correctly. What's the proper way (I know there is at least several) to make a sketch WAIT for a serial connection before outputting data?