Maximum Pin Usage on Due (any duplicate/dedicated pins?)

Thanks, I'm not that hard up for pins. And that looks a little outside of my comfort zone. I'm having a hard time understanding the pins that ARE available, let alone creating new ones.

What I'm really confused about is that with the Mega, SPI is pins 11 and 13. And as far as I know there's only one.

Now with the Due, I've got dedicated SPI pins. But every sample code and library is using 11 and 13. And there's also pins 4 and 52? But is there still only one SPI? My Max32 has 4 SPI definitions, so it's confusing me.

Then there's also MOSI2 in the Due pin diagram, which is on the ICSP header. what is that?

I don't want to utilize weird pins. I want to know if I can use physical pins 0~53, A0~A11, DAC0-1, CANRX, CANTX, SCL1 and SDA1 without overlap.

And additionally, if I use USB Serial (just defined as Serial.begin), and SPI (just defined as SPI.begin) will that consume any of these physical pins?