ATtiny85 + TLC5940

This is going to sound really newbish but how do you guys program your ATtinys?

I use an ISP programmer I bought on eBay

eg.: arduino isp programmer for sale | eBay

When I started out I just poked wires into the cable (see photos at the start of this thread).

Now I use a little board I made, see here:,134673.0.html

As an experiment I've designed/ordered some little PCBs for an ATtiny85 version of that (nb. they didn't arrive yet...)

I have tried the High Low Tech tutorial numerous times and it doesn't work. Also I have a hard time finding ATtiny85 cores.
Any help?

I think that was the page I used when I started out but I admit I never did "Arduino as ISP", I bought an ISP programmer.

I usually don't bother with cores any more. The chips are very easy to program directly and writing the code is part of the fun!

The real problem would be in using other libraries that rely on having SPI, etc. Adapting code that needs those things would be a challenge. I don't use other code much though (it rarely fits exactly) and I can always use a Mega328 if I really need to...

PS: This is my PCB for the Tiny85duino... :slight_smile:
