Real Time Plotting Tool ( Oscilloscope )

Hello Nor1,
I was having similar symptoms: SimPlot would seem to make a connection to the appropriate COM port, but no data would be plotted. I think this means that the program does not recognize the data in that port. Perhaps it does not have the right packet structure.

For me, eventually I found that swapping the order of the bytes within the 16-bit word made the difference. I am using my own board, not Arduino. I am not sure how the Arduino boards send data through the serial port. For me sending out 0xCDAB, 0x0002, 0x01FF (header, packet size, data) did not work, I had to send 0xABCD, 0x0200, 0xFF01. Attached is a screenshot of the data coming out the serial port as displayed in RealTerm.

I wonder if you are having a similar problem. Good luck.

Thank you for sharing such a useful program. It is quite helpful.
