Spectrum Analyzer using Adafruit NeoPixel Strips & Arduino Mega

Hello everyone,

I wanted to created a separate thread to address an issue. I've created a successful LED audio spectrum analyzer using Adafruit Neopixel Strips, Arduino Mega, 2 MSGEQ7 Chips (One for the Left Audio Channel and the other for the right), and an audio jack.

I am at that point in my project where I would like to add extra things if I could. I want to add a push button feature where I can cycle through different colors at a push of a button. I'm currently working on the code (which I'm having trouble with), but that's not the real problem.

See attached PDF "Led Audio Spectrum Analyzer 14 Band" for a circuit schematic I've created. I also have a picture of my circuit in the attachments for reference as well. Anyways...I attached my push button to my breadboard and attached 5VDC to one side of the push button and then attached a 10K resistor to the other side going to ground. Then I added a wire from Arduino Digital Pin 30 to the push button. I knew it was working correctly since the ButtonCycler code that Adafruit provides in their library worked correctly.

I then uploaded my current code for my spectrum analyzer while playing music for a second and noticed that the left channel LEDs were not moving (FYI, I still had my push button integrated in my breadboard. No code done yet). At first I thought it was a coding issue, but in my mind it had to be something with the button I integrated in my breadboard.

I then figured out that if I removed my 5VDC wire from the push button, the left channel started to work again (after I pulled out my MSGEQ7 Left hand chip and put it back into the board). These chips receive 5VDC at Pin 1 so I'm not sure if adding a new path to push button should be causing these issues for the MSGEQ7 not to work.

Does anyone have any idea on what I should do or test? Maybe I should check the voltage at Pin 1 and ground for the MSGEQ7 chip but I feel like I shouldn't have a huge voltage drop just because I installed a small push button.

Sorry for the lengthy post. Trying to be detailed.

Thanks in advance,

The picture I attached does not show the push button integrated in the board. Ignore the random capacitor in the front. I forgot to remove it when taking this picture.

LED Audio Spectrum Analyzer 14 Band (09-21-2017).pdf (48 KB)