Solar Powered Solenoid Valve

Okay trying to run off what I learned in college like 7 years ago, plus formulas I've dug out from various places on the net (so pardon me if my math is astronomically wrong.)

Granted this isn't practical for my application, I'm just trying to confirm my math...

So here's the circuit in my mind (an example not the one I plan to impliment)
I run the solar panel through 10 x 25v 1000uF capacitors in parellel, once fully charged I begin discharging with a resistance of 55 Ohms into my 12v 400mA solenoid valve. This would in theory run the solenoid for roughly .55 seconds before the capacitor's output would no longer be sufficient to run the solenoid if it requires the full 12v 400mA to remain open... correct?

(I'm trying to confirm my fundamanetal understanding of capacitors)
Which then If my understanding is correct the way to increase time the solenoid would remain open I'd need to increase the capacitance by adding either larger (in capacitance) capacitors AND/OR more capacitors in parrellel AND/OR use capacitors of a higher voltage with a higher resistance to the solenoid valve AND/OR use a solenoid valve with lower power consumption?

I could be horribly off there which is why I'm asking.