Problem saving data to SD

Great!!!! Congratulations!!!! it works!!!!

Yes, it was the problem... since i didn´t know whatt the "gramatic" of this expressions i couldn´t detect it. Good job!

Now i have other couple of question related to this... but much more easy!

it save all the data one near the other in a long long line. So i what to have very couple of data in a single line. In the example of FileLogger it is solver writing \r\n at the end of the string.
In the sentence that you builded, it not run in this way:

sprintf(message,"%ld,%ld", temp, Vcc, "\r\n");

Is there any other "magic" combination of characters such as "%ld" to do it? Any idea?

And, finally, if i increase the number of sensors, i suposse that i also should change (increasing) the value of char message[20], is it right?

Thanks so much for your efforts. I will prepare a clean code to post here for future readers, although it must be consider your contribution!
Thanks one more time for your great help and effort!

Thanks PaulS!