Arduino on Xcode Project — Official Thread

Please find the new releases of

embedXcode • Jun 03, 2012 release 11
mpideXcode • Jun 03, 2012 release 14
Installation Guide • Jun 03, 2012 release 8

As embedXcode manages multiple platforms, including the right libraries and dealing with syntax specificities are two cumbersome challenges.

Until now, the platform identification was solely based on the MCU, resulting on lengthy #if #elif #else #endif statements.

Now, embedXcode brings a new approach based on the IDE.

The Arduino, Wiring and Maple IDEs set an environment variable for the tool-chain.

For example, Arduino defines ARDUINO=100 and pass -DARDUINO=100 on to gcc, g++ and alike, Wiring sets -DWIRING=100 and Maple -MAPLE_IDE.

So the code is fully compatible between embedXcode and those IDEs. This new approach brings more compact and easier to read code, and doesn't require maintenance at code level when a new MCU appears.

This new IDE-based approach is optional, as not all IDEs include this approach. Let's mention Energia and chipKIT MPIDE, and hope they consider it!

As always, full documentation including features, tutorials, installation guide and code, is available at embedXcode website.

Enjoy :wink: