30 Second Timer + LED Display + Pager Motor HELP!!

But that would off set my CurrentTime & PreviousTime by 5 milliseconds correct? Because it would stop the execution of the rest of the code.

Execution will be blocked when calling delayMicroseconds or delay. If this is not what you want then you need to something a little more complicated. Could you clarify what you want to happen if you get a trigger from the serial port while a previous trigger is still counting down.

If I execute the motor() function, it will cause the motor to vibrate, when it is being executed the 30 second timer would effectively become a 30 + 5 millisecond timer. Every time the pager motor vibrates, it's going to add 0.5 seconds to the difference between CurrentTime & PreviousTime.

Since It will be receiving a lot of inputs to activate the motor function, the error would become too big, hence I need both the motor execution and timer function to be dependent on only one variable, that is time.

I hope that it is clear enough. I think my team has NEARLY fine tuned everything that we want from the device, now the only thing we have left to do is test it out.

Thanks for your help.