24 motorized fader mixer with Arduino

Problem is- to what extent can this be implemented into each and every channel he needs to ?!?


Controllers 0 to 31 were originally specified as optionally 14 bit resolution controllers. To use them as 14 bit controllers the msb is transmitted as one controller (0-31), and the lsb is transmitted as a second controller (32-63 respectively). Controller 0 and Controller 32 have been defined as a Bank Select that qualifies Program Changes [sic.] and both messages must always be transmitted together.

In practice, it was impossible to differentiate between 14 and 7 bit usage, so 14 bit resolution never really worked.

That is supposed to be a devices master volume only... So in a multitimbral device, the Volume controller messages are used to control the volumes of the individual Parts. So, we needed some message to control Master Volume. Now if he can t get it to somehow trick it into each channel ?!? is it even possible ?!

*PS- Im not an expert in midi protocol, but as far as i see it, it would entail "create" a virtual device for each channel. Maybe then you could use it... But im not sure how to go about it, tbh ! Will require a lot of digging into the midi protocol !

I havent heard of anyone who has successful managed to do it, and i know of many attempts... But, hey dont let that discourage you ! You might be the first one to sort it, innit ?!?