RFduino: iPhone, Bluetooth 4.0 LE, Arduino Compatible Board!

The RFduino is the worlds first wireless coin-sized Arduino compatible open-source micro-computer that talks to your iPhone using Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy!

Please visit the project page for more info:


Looks great!

Which version(s) of the IDE can be used?


The RFduino is loads cheaper than an Arduino with Bluetooth. It contains a Nordic 32 bit ARM Cortex-M0 processor. Any idea how this processor compares with an Arduino UNO or an iPhone performance-wise like for image processing?

Very good promo Vid!

Works with this?

I just backed that. Looks pretty cool, I'll find some use for it.

Does anyone know what makes this compatible with Arduino sketches? I suspect that the Arduino sketch has to target the Duo and perhaps the M0 and M3 share the Thumb-2 instruction set, but the M0 uses a "subset" of that instruction set. So I am wondering how compatibility is guaranteed. If they said that the M3 would run code target to the M0 I would say that makes sense, but I'm not so sure about the reverse.