Help write a story.

Last night I had a dream of geat idea for an arduino project. I had become really cheesed off with blinking LEDs and I needed a challenge.
I thought of creating an AI capable of defining "geat".

So I posted on the Arduino forum to see if anyone had a code for that and some guy named Paul called me an idiot and told me to post my code.

Then a guy called Tom, tried to tell me how to use the forum... then wanted a circuit diagram, so I used my Fritzy App and sent him one.

When Paul and Tom saw the Fritzy App they both went off the deep end. So II re-post with an Eagle print, this calm then down. But now I'm afraid to post the program, but I need help so here it goes.

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]

// AI Program for "geat" //

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:



What goes in-between?
a couple of   "goes too" statements......

[Stage directions] Guys, you need to include all the existing text in your replies so that at every stage there is a complete story [/Stage directions]
[Stage directions] Will do .... :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: [/Stage directions]
[Stage directions] Tom points out that the continuity of the thread will be destroyed if we don't.
Otherwise someone will not be able to comprehend our prattling.... [/Stage directions]

Once again it feels like home. I can feel the love of this place with all the helpful hints. But please write the program so I can get an "A" in my class. No rush I need it by tonight.