How to check amount of free ram (and used)

My project is getting bigger on a XP Pro computer. I am slowly getting worried about ram. There is nothing about this in project folders. What can I do, except clean up my project.

By the way, am I the only one who can't find a suitable forum among Arduino forums.

Thanks, Compile time memory check is good enough for me now. But I found only old elf-files. How do I get those now of my current projects. Or some way check memory at compile time.

How do I get those now of my current projects.

If you're using the IDE hold SHIFT while compiling. This will show you the location of the temp working folder.

Go there and run avr-size onthe .elf file in a dos window.

avr-size *.elf

You will get something like

text data bss dec hex
29060 1024 366 30450 76f2

Add data and bss to get the RAM used.


It works, fine. But C:\Program Files\arduino-0022\hardware\tools\avr\bin is not in my path settings, needed a bit of work before avr-size would run. I copied the exe, is there any reason to include the in path settings. How do you actually do it.

By the way, the numbers seem to be in decimal, not in hex, am I right?

This (too) should be in IDE.

Because I have AVR Studio installed the path was already set.

is there any reason to include the in path settings. How do you actually do it.

If you're going to be doing much of this that I'd say yes. I haven't used DOS for so long I can't remember. You can see the existing path with the "path" command. IIRC you used to do something like

PATH new_folder;%path%

To add "new_folder" to the path without deleting all the existing folders. (But check this out, as I said I haven't used DOS at this level for years)


I have to check AVR studio, but it requires registration. There is a setting for paths in XP control panel/system. But I think Avr studio could be nice to try.

I have to check AVR studio, but it requires registration.

I've been using it for quite a while and quite like it. It's a it old now and could do while modern features, to that end AS5 beta has just been released, see here

But it might be worth waiting on that. Meanwhile I'm happy with AS4 for some things, but mostly now I just use an editor and makefile.
