Arduino on Linux

I was able to fix the "java.lang" problem by editing the CLASSPATH to find rt.jar

So thats all I can do since the output is meaningless to me. Looks like I can't attach it to this post:

./ gives me:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: processing/app/Base

Ok, looks like for some reason the script creates the work directory is such a way that it is not writible by the regular user?? so I did this:

sudo chown -R bbogart trunk/
sudo chgrp -R bbogart trunk/

looks like the svn script refers to something not in svn:

Extracting examples...
unzip: cannot find or open ../shared/dist/, ../shared/dist/ or ../shared/dist/

I'm guessing these java erros are due to my old 1.3 version, off to try some different packages...

so I've switched to blackdown 1.4 and It seems to compile! It would be nice for the makefile to print out "success" or something when it works, since I did not realize it with all the errors.

I build with DIRAVR=/usr so that the build could find the avr compiler. Now when I run the environment ./ it says it can't find the compiler but it is in my path:

which avr-g++

I'll post this and followup on the next steps.