Arduinos original PWM

Actually, it's a common Radio-control hack to use a motor as an audio transducer. By feeding in a signal at audio frequencies that doesn't actually move the motor, you can vibrate the armature and/or windings enough to generate a clearly audiable tone.

Hmm, I knew that there are ways to vibrate an electric motor's armature without causing it to rotate, but I didn't know a generic DC motor could generate a sufficiently loud sound this way (at least not without possibly damaging the motor). Nor did I realize that people would do such a thing on purpose. :slight_smile: I've heard "music" made by steppers or old floppy disk drive motors but to the best of my knowledge those examples always involved rotating motors.

In any case, I didn't mean to imply that 500 Hz was below the range of human hearing. I was trying to make a general statement that to get the exact PWM as a tone there needs to be a proper audio transducer. Apparently a non-rotating DC motor can be such a transducer.