Teensy 3.0: 48/96 MHz, Arduino Due: 84 MHz, ARM cellphones: 1-1.5Ghz. Why?


I would think there is a huge hobbiest market for a fast-as-possible ARM on a development board or breakout board.

Two possibilities:

  1. all the developers are stupid: if there is indeed a huge market for such a beast and those people are forgoing their chance to be the next richest person, ...
  2. the market isn't huge: the developers see it as not worthy of their time / efforts / investment.

Well, I can think of a couple more: 1. True system on a chips at these frequences are not available so you would be making a real system which adds complexity and cost and 2. These frequencies are more likely to create RF interference than the current ones. I cannot say, I don't know about this so I asked.