what circuit layout does capsense use?

Using capsense library with multiple inputs, do you use this layout?
![](http://capsense q 1.gif)

Or this one?
![](http://capsense q 2.gif)

Or something else?

edit: On the second drawing I meant to have the third input after the resistor.

capsense q 1.gif

capsense q 2.gif

If you look at the demo sketch on http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Main/CapSense you will see that it describes the circuit for a single send pin and multiple receive pins:

CapSense   cs_4_2 = CapSense(4,2);        // 10 megohm resistor between pins 4 & 2, pin 2 is sensor pin, add wire, foil
CapSense   cs_4_5 = CapSense(4,5);        // 10 megohm resistor between pins 4 & 6, pin 6 is sensor pin, add wire, foil
CapSense   cs_4_8 = CapSense(4,8);        // 10 megohm resistor between pins 4 & 8, pin 8 is sensor pin, add wire, foil

One resistor per sense pin.

'Way down at the bottom of....

.. you'll find a diagram... red, teardrops.

(Other stuff in that may help, too.)