Thinkpad supervisor password read /clear

Hi guys! My first post here.

Do I understand correctly that I just need to hook up gnd, 11 and 12 pin to the chip directly? and then run program in console?

In my case I am using intel edison because I have one handy and it is convenient to switch between 3.3 and 5v using edison arduino board.

When I run program "dry" no wires connected to edison then if I try to dump eeprom it goes "00 00 00..." infinitely

if I hook up wires only to edison pins gnd, 11, 12 and try to dump eeprom it will say some error reading eeprom obaviously :slight_smile:

Finally when I tried to actually use it I hooked it up correctly to the chip, powered on laptop(x230), tried to dump eeprom and it displays same error as if nothing was connected...

Can we use built in SCL SDA pins in arduino?