Lib for manipulating cascaded 595 shift registers


For debugging purpose, I needed manipulating LEDS so I can easily set LEDs on/off according to events in any of my Arduino programs. To simplify my life, I implemented a little package to manipulate cascaded 595 shift registers which are so useful to manage arrays of LEDs.

The package allows:

  • to set On/Off all LEDs
  • to set on/off a specific LED
  • to exclusively set on/off a specific LED
  • to shift the LED patterns left/right
  • to negate the LED patterns left/right
  • to manipulate the LED patterns globally, per shift register, or for all shift registers in parallel
  • and more to come...!

I will also write a better sample code as well as a documentation soon!

Find the source files on:


Arduino 2x 74hc595.JPG

Updated version!!

  • New features (negate the registers, shift all, blink,...)
  • New test sequence example
  • New pictures and video of the test sequence example
  • Starting code documentation and wiki page in GitHub

Visit !


Circuit overview.jpg

Documentation ready and completed!

LibShift595Arduino HELP.pdf (170 KB)

Thanks for sharing!

thanks for sharing, looks very useful :slight_smile: