Need Help on RFID Reader

That the formatting and indenting are terrible. Make the code easy to read by putting each { on a new line, by putting each } on a new line, by putting no more than one statement on a line, and by using Tools + Auto format to fix the horrid indenting.

I just know it now, Thanks, i already use Tools + Auto format and update the code...

  • the tag read at rfid shows 1 by 1 at the LCD and Serial Monitor
    Because that's how you tell it to appear. How do you want it to appear?

I want the LCD and Serial Monitor just showing the RFID tag/card number. (only the number below the number that i mark with yellow)
Can you give me solution on how to do it, and what coding should i modify?

Serial.print()ing an int causes it to be converted to a string. Serial.print() of a char that contains the same value as the int will produce quite different output, and I suspect that is the output you are expecting.

Dont really know what u mean, can u explain it or show me the example with my coding?

Unlikely, since you appear to have the LCD connected to pin 9, too.
You have not declared pin 9 to be an output, nor do you have any code that affects pin 9.

So i need to declare other pin as a output for buzzer? and how do i make the buzer to beep when the RFID tag/card is touch?

Thanks in advance.