2 LM35´s with a ethernet shield posting to pachube

Hi designer2k2, your project is very nice! I'm trying to use pachube too, but have some troubles understanding the code of the example you used. Where did you read in the Arduino code your sensors...?
Should be around here:

void loop()
  // call 'pachube_in_out' at the beginning of the loop, handles timing, requesting
  // and reading. use serial monitor to view debug messages
  // then put your code here, you can access remote sensor values
  // by using the remoteSensor float array, e.g.: 
  analogWrite(3, (int)remoteSensor[3] * 10); // remoteSensor is a float
  analogWrite(5, (int)remoteSensor[1]); 

  // you can have code that is time sensitive (e.g. using 'delay'), but 
  // be aware that it will be affected by a short pause during connecting
  // to and reading from ethernet (approx. 0.5 to 1 sec).
  // e.g. this code should carry on flashing regularly, with brief pauses
  // every few seconds during Pachube update.
  digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(6, LOW);

And what's the "remote sensor", I actually don't need to read other's pachube sensors feed.
Hope you have clearer ideas than mine... :-/

