New library for PWM playback from SD cards: SimpleSDAudio

hi Tuttut-

dont mind me!..

although it would be great if it did work with IDE v23 (and someone posted a 'how to')....

my realy problem is with IDE 1.0 (and not your lib at all)..

I made a minimal/breadboard hardware set-up (+3.3v @ 8MHz internal clock)... purpose built to use your lib for the project.

However.. my '3.3v/8MHz breadboard bootloader chip does NOT work with IDE 1.0 out of the box..

so Im reading up on how to make it 'compliant'.. (something to with boards.txt edits... and maybe another step as well?)

When I couldnt get the BLINK sketch to upload either.. I knew it was board/IDE problem.
