Twitter World Mood Light

Sorry sorry. program no s. Here's the beggining of the files where the includes are. If you need more let me know and i will post the rest.

heres the worldmood2.pde:

Title : WorldMood.pde
Author :

Description :
Arduino program to compute the current world mood.
An Arduino connects to any wireless network via the WiFly module, repeatedly searches Twitter for tweets with emotional content,
collates the tweets for each emotion, analyzes the data, and fades or flashes the color of an LED to reflect the current World Mood:
Red for Anger, Yellow for Happy, Pink for Love, White for Fear, Green for Envy, Orange for Surprise, and Blue for Sadness.

Created : April 22 2010
Modified : June 2010 to suppoert WiShield by Steve Hobley (

#include <HtmlParser.h>
#include <TwitterParser.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <WorldMood.h>
#include <LED.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <WiServer.h>


#define DEBUG 1

uint8 twitter_ip[] = {128,121,146,100}; // Twitter

// be sure to change this if you edit the rpp value above
#define TWEETS_PER_PAGE (30)

TwitterParser twitterSearchParser(Serial, TWEETS_PER_PAGE); <------ Thats where the compiler gets snagged.

Here's the WorldMood.h:

Title : WorldMood.h
Author :

Description :
A store for what the World Mood has been in the past and what it is currently.
use RegisterTweets after searching twitter for tweets with emotional content
and register the tweets per second and the particular mood.
Call ComputeCurrentMood to get a normalized and more stable idea of the World Mood.
ComputeCurrentMoodIntensity gives an idea of how strong the current mood is

Created : April 22 2010
Modified :


#ifndef _WorldMood_h
#define _WorldMood_h

#include "wprogram.h"
#include "HardwareSerial.h"

And here is the coveted WorldMood.cpp file:

Title : WorldMood.h
Author :

Description :
see Header

Created : April 22 2010
Modified :

#include "WorldMood.h"
#include "WProgram.h"

//#define DEBUG (1)

WorldMood::WorldMood(HardwareSerial& print,
float emotionSmoothingFactor,
float moodSmoothingFactor,
float moderateMoodThreshold,
float extremeMoodThreshold,
const float* const worldTemperamentRatios)


I hope that's what you were asking for. I guess I know less then I thought Ianks for the patience.