ShiftPWM support topic. Latest update: Schematics, high power LED's, LED strips

These are from a while back...

So far the added functions are:

ShiftPWM.SetAllRGB(red,green,blue); For RGB Leds, Sets all of them to the same color

ShiftPWM.Chase(Brightness,DelayTime,StartPin,EndPin,Direction); Chases from StartPin to EndPin at selected brightness. The Direction is selectable. 1 is low pin to high pin and 0 is high pin to low pin.

ShiftPWM.ChaseRGB(Red,Green,Blue,DelayTime,StartLED,EndLED,Direction); For RGB LEDs. Chases from StartLED to EndLED at selected color. The Direction is selectable. 1 is low LED to high LED and 0 is high LED to low LED.

Are there any functions that anyone would like to see added?

Library is attached (15 KB)