Trying to control an 8x8 LED matrix according to example

I'm trying to control an 8x8 LED matrix according to this example but it doesn't seem to work, properly. Does this example have any bugs or something?
In the code, in the void readSensors() function I've changed these two lines of code

x = 7 - map(analogRead(A0), 0, 1023, 0, 7);
y = map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 0, 7);

with this

  x = Serial.parseInt();
  y = Serial.parseInt();

Of course I've started the serial communication in the setup function. I've also tried

x = Serial.parseInt() - '0';
y = Serial.parseInt() - '0';

as I'm sending ASCII values from Pure Data, but none of these work, there are quite some LEDs constantly lit, and some others flicker once or twice whenever a new value is received. Any ideas?

Can you print the received numbers back to the pc with Serial.print to check they are being received and interpreted correctly?


Can you print the received numbers back to the pc with Serial.print to check they are being received and interpreted correctly?

I did that, both with Serial.print and Serial.write, and then printed them back to the Pure Data console. Indeed I was receiving correct values. I also change the code a bit to output values when arduino receives a line feed, but still...

What happens if you put the code back exactly like the example? If you dont have any pots, just try different pairs of resistors.

  x = Serial.parseInt();
  y = Serial.parseInt();

While loops will loop continuously, and infinitely, until the expression inside the parenthesis, () becomes false. Something must change the tested variable, or the while loop will never exit.

While loops will loop continuously, and infinitely, until the expression inside the parenthesis, () becomes false. Something must change the tested variable, or the while loop will never exit.

I'm sending values to Arduino from Pure Data using the [cursor] object which detects the position of the cursor (obviously). When I don't move the mouse there's nothing being sent to Arduino so the while loop ends. I even deleted the loop and only used parseInt(), but the matrix shows the same behavior. Maybe the matrix I have doesn't have the same pin configurations as the one in the example, could that be? It's actually this one but there are no specs about the pins there...

The Serial.parseInt seems to have a 1 second timeout. So the Serial.available may be true because some "whitespace" or other non-numeric characters are in the buffer, but then parseInt times out and returns zero because no numeric characters are in the buffer.

You matrix does seem to have the same pinout as the tutorial. Here's the data sheet:

So how should I send two values to Arduino? For now I'm sending a list that looks like this: 52 32 48 10, which should tell Arduino to use column 4 and row 0, separated by a space and ended with a line feed. If there's a timeout problem with Serial.parseInt(), is there some alternative to sending a list to Arduino and then having Arduino route the different elements of the list to different variables?

Ok, I think I see the problem now. Dont use parseInt, that expects an number encoded as ascii characters. You are sending the value in a single byte so just use read (). Also, to avoid getting out of sync, check available () >= 4.

Tried to send one value only and get it with; but nothing happens, still. Anyway, I want to send two values, how is this possible with;? This receives only one byte, right? I am sending ASCII values anyway, do you think this is a problem?

Sorry, this is very annoying. This forum used to warn you if someone replied while you were composing a reply, but it doesnt do that anymore.

Check my last response again. Does that help?

You will need to use read () to get the space and linefeed characters from the buffer, in addition to your values.


Sorry, you are sending the numbers as ascii encoded. I just realised 48 = "0" and 52 = "4".

So parseInt was right. But I would still recommend checking available () >= 4.

It notified me earlier that you posted before I submitted my answer...
Anyway, I think that there's either something wrong with my matrix, or with the rest of the example code, cause I really think I am sending correct numbers. In the example two potentiometers are used, which have their values mapped from 0-1023 to 0-7. These are the values I'm sending to Arduino from Pd, but really almost nothing happens. Columns 0, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are constantly lit, and that's all there is to it. Sometimes some other columns or rows flicker dimly...Maybe it's the rows that are lit and not the columns, I'm a bit confused with the specs...
Anyway, if anyone's willing to check here's the code I'm using

// 2-dimensional array of row pin numbers:
const int row[8] = {2,7,19,5,13,18,12,16};

// 2-dimensional array of column pin numbers:
const int col[8] = {6,11,10,3,17,4,8,9};

// 2-dimensional array of pixels:
int pixels[8][8]; 

// cursor position:
int x = 5;
int y = 5;

void setup() {
  // initialize the I/O pins as outputs
  // iterate over the pins:
  for (int thisPin = 0; thisPin < 8; thisPin++) {
    // initialize the output pins:
    pinMode(col[thisPin], OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(row[thisPin], OUTPUT);  
    // take the col pins (i.e. the cathodes) high to ensure that
    // the LEDS are off: 
    digitalWrite(col[thisPin], HIGH);    

  // initialize the pixel matrix:
  for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
      pixels[x][y] = HIGH;

void loop() {
  // read input:

  // draw the screen:

void readSensors() {
  // turn off the last position:
  pixels[x][y] = HIGH;
  // read the sensors for X and Y values:
  while(Serial.available() >= 4){
    x = Serial.parseInt();
    y = Serial.parseInt();
  if( == '\n'){
    pixels[x][y] = LOW;  

void refreshScreen() {
  // iterate over the rows (anodes):
  for (int thisRow = 0; thisRow < 8; thisRow++) {
    // take the row pin (anode) high:
    digitalWrite(row[thisRow], HIGH);
    // iterate over the cols (cathodes):
    for (int thisCol = 0; thisCol < 8; thisCol++) {
      // get the state of the current pixel;
      int thisPixel = pixels[thisRow][thisCol];
      // when the row is HIGH and the col is LOW,
      // the LED where they meet turns on:
      digitalWrite(col[thisCol], thisPixel);
      // turn the pixel off:
      if (thisPixel == LOW) {
        digitalWrite(col[thisCol], HIGH);
    // take the row pin low to turn off the whole row:
    digitalWrite(row[thisRow], LOW);

and I've attached the Pd patch..

7_LED_matrix.pd (1.72 KB)

Did you try my suggestion of running the tutorial sketch unaltered?

What's a pd patch?

Did you try my suggestion of running the tutorial sketch unaltered?

Actually not, but I guess I'll have to do that.

What's a pd patch?

It's a program in Pure Data, equivalent to an Arduino sketch. It's called a patch cause it's a visual programming language, where little boxes are connected by 'wires', called patch cords...

Just tried the example code unaltered and this is what happens. The same columns are constantly lit. the two columns that are not lit (3 and 6) respond to the potentiometers changes, but dimly and some LED on that column are constantly dimly lit, and a couple of those go dimly on or off, according to the row potentiometer position...Really, there must be something wrong with the matrix, don't you think?

Certainly possible. Also, the tutorial sketch would not be the first to contain bugs. But check your matrix first.

Test it by hand first, column by column and row by row, using +5V and GND from arduino and a series resistor (e.g. 100~300R).