my first arduino robot

i have a chasis, 2 hc sr 04 sensor and uno rev3 so i thought to start coding

i edited this code for obstacle avoidance

#define trigPin 13

#define echoPin 12

#define TIMEOUT 40000 // 40ms timeout (the HC-sr04 has 38 ms timeout)


void setup()


Serial.begin (19200);

pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // Ensure triger is starting with low befre any pulse

delayMicroseconds(20); // Delay before first pulse



void loop()


long duration, distance;


digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); // Start the High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // End the Pulse

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;


if (distance >= 400 || distance <= 0)


Serial.println("Out of range");





Serial.println(" cm");



} "

into this

//my code

#define ta 13   //trig pin of A ultrasonic sensor

#define ea 12   //eco pin of A ultrasonic sensor

#define tb 11    //trig pin of Bultrasonic sensor

#define eb 10   //trig pin of B ultrasonic sensor

#define lp 9  // pin to l293 to control left motor

#define ln 8  //pin to l293 to control left motor

#define rp 7  //pin to l293 to control rightmotor

#define rn 6  //pin to l293 to control right motor


#define TIMEOUT 40000     // 40ms timeout (the HC-sr04 has 38 ms timeout)


void setup()


Serial.begin (19200);

pinMode(lp, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ln, OUTPUT);

pinMode(rp, OUTPUT);

pinMode(rn, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ta, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ea, INPUT);

pinMode(tb, OUTPUT);

pinMode(eb, INPUT);

digitalWrite(ta, LOW);    // Ensure triger is starting with low before any pulse

delayMicroseconds(20);  // Delay before first pulse

digitalWrite(tb, LOW);




void loop()


long dua, da,dub,db;    // dua duration of A sensor// da distance by A sensor// in the same way dub//db


digitalWrite(ta, HIGH); // Start the a  High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros


digitalWrite(ta, LOW);    // End the Pulse

dua = pulseIn(ea, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

da = (dua/2) / 29.1;


digitalWrite(tb, HIGH); // Start the b High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros

digitalWrite(tb, LOW); // End the Pulse

dub = pulseIn(eb, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

db = (dub/2) / 29.1;

if ((da >=10) && (db >=10))


digitalWrite(lp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(ln, LOW);  \\ turning right concidering obstacle in left sensor A with in 10 cm

digitalWrite(rp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(rn, LOW);



if ((da <=10) && (db >=10))


digitalWrite(lp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(ln, LOW);

digitalWrite(rn, HIGH); //turning left concidering obstacle in left sensor A with in 10 cm

digitalWrite(rp, LOW);



if ((db <=10)&& (da >=10))


digitalWrite(ln, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lp, LOW);

digitalWrite(rn, HIGH);

digitalWrite(rp, LOW);


if ((da <=10) && (db <=10))


digitalWrite(lp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(ln, LOW); // turning right concidering obstacle in both A and B sensor  with in 10 cm

digitalWrite(rn, HIGH);

digitalWrite(rp, LOW);

delay(7000); // giving some delay thinking that robot will turn enough from the obstacle

digitalWrite(lp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(ln, LOW);// ten left turn to robot to travel stright always

digitalWrite(rp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(rn, LOW);







instead of testing this with real robot i planned for a pre check using serial monitor to print direction of robot travelling(replaced the motor block by print statment)

code below

#define ta 13   //trig pin of A ultrasonic sensor

#define ea 12   //eco pin of A ultrasonic sensor

#define tb 11    //trig pin of Bultrasonic sensor

#define eb 10   //trig pin of B ultrasonic sensor/trig pin of A ultrasonic sensor

.#define TIMEOUT 40000 // 40ms timeout (the HC-sr04 has 38 ms timeout)


void setup()


Serial.begin (19200);


pinMode(ta, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ea, INPUT);

pinMode(tb, OUTPUT);

pinMode(eb, INPUT);

digitalWrite(ta, LOW); // Ensure triger is starting with low before any pulse

delayMicroseconds(20);// Delay before first pulse

digitalWrite(tb, LOW);




void loop()


long dua, da, dub, db;  // dua duration of A sensor// da distance by A sensor// in the same way dub//db


digitalWrite(ta, HIGH); // Start the a  High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros


digitalWrite(ta, LOW); // End the Pulse

dua = pulseIn(ea, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

da = (dua/2) / 29.1;


digitalWrite(tb, HIGH); // Start the b High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros

digitalWrite(tb, LOW); // End the Pulse

dub = pulseIn(eb, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

db = (dub/2) / 29.1;


if ((da >=10)&& (db >=10 ))


Serial.println(" go straight");




if ((da <=10)&&(db >=10))


Serial.println(" right turn");



if ((db <=10)&&(da >=10))


Serial.println("left turn ");


if ((da <=10) && (db <=10))


Serial.println(" right turn");


Serial.println(" left turn ");







then i tested the above code with only two sensor...... i left both sensor unintreuptted so o/p should be printing only "go stright" statment but the output is mixed with "right turn" and "left turn" statment i dont no why...

help me to fix this and i like to go for pwm speed control(for that i have only l293 not arduino motor sheild ) so direct me, having lots of idea about add on like bluethoot contol using android app and add navigation capability

put all your code in the "Code" tags (Edit your post, highlight the posted code and press the "#" button near the text formatting buttons). It might also help make it readable if you format the code with indentations.


ya i edited it thank u

i have a chasis, 2 hc sr 04 sensor and uno rev3 so i thought to start coding

i edited this code for obstacle avoidance

if ((da <=10) && (db <=10))


Serial.println(" right turn");


Serial.println(" left turn ");

then i tested the above code with only two sensor...... i left both sensor unintreuptted so o/p should be printing only "go stright" statment but the output is mixed with "right turn" and "left turn" statment i dont no why...

It is better to take the average of atleast 5 values to make result more sophisticated.

if ((da <=10) && (db <=10))

this time print the values of da, db to check the most occuring value when there is no interruption on both sensor.8)
