Arduino Rocket Ejection at Certain Altitude


Here is a couple of things you can do in advance.

  1. read the datasheet on the altimeter / barometer to understand what output it produces. How many bits of resolution do you have? How quickly can it update? Ideally, keep everything in integers, i.e. don't bother to translate to feet unless you have to. Makes life easier. Instead, calculate the difference (in raw sensor data) between the starting point and 730 feet.

  2. Take a couple of readings, average, store the number. Turn on a LED (green) to indicate that the microprocessor is ready for launch.

  3. Program the unit not to deploy a parachute unless a) the rocket motor has turned on, and/or b) altitude > 100 feet. Otherwise, a gust of wind could make for a bad day at the launch pad.