Serial Graphic LCD

I don't care if it gets choppy I am just kinda interested in the process of keeping track of the vertices in 3d space. Very cool stuff. Well I will keep looking around...

I tried summing the previous matrix with the new matrix but that did not made it worse...although it did make some pretty funny spinning orbit things...but not very useful things were blowing up and spinning out of control...

So perhaps I need to... the calculation for the xy plane last (like you did here)...and use only the x values from the resulting matrix in the output matrix as the x values

  1. run the calculation for the yz plane last (switch yours around a bit)...and use only the y values from the resulting matrix in the output matrix as the y values the calculation for the xz plane last (switch yours around a bit)...and use only the z values from the resulting matrix in the output matrix as the z values

or perhaps this is stupid...I will try it anyways....that did not seem to work:/

The shape gets augmented when at weird angles.