Windows/Linux/Mac Eclipse plugin to compile and upload arduino sketches

Hi Jantle,

I made new instalation of Eclipse, everything new and latest versions.

At the moment i have already created examples with SPI that are working, using the core SPI library.

I created one Ethernet test (equal to the Webclient exampli from arduino, no alterations), that uses SPI Ethernet libraries.
When i build the project i get this error:

**** Build of configuration Release for project ETHERNET_test ****

make all
Building file: C:/Program Files/arduino 1.0.2/libraries/Ethernet/Dhcp.cpp
Invoking: AVR C++ Compiler
avr-g++ -I"C:\Program Files\arduino 1.0.2\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino" -I"C:\Program Files\arduino 1.0.2\hardware\arduino\variants\mega" -I"E:\LMIT HW Energia\Wisebox\Eclipse-Arduino\ETHERNET_test" -I"C:\Program Files\arduino 1.0.2\libraries\Ethernet" -I"C:\Program Files\arduino 1.0.2\libraries\SPI" -D__IN_ECLIPSE__=1 -DUSB_VID= -DUSB_PID= -DARDUINO=102 -Wall -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -g -mmcu=atmega2560 -DF_CPU=16000000UL -MMD -MP -MF"Ethernet/Dhcp.d" -MT"Ethernet/Dhcp.d" -c -o "Ethernet/Dhcp.o" -x c++ "C:/Program Files/arduino 1.0.2/libraries/Ethernet/Dhcp.cpp"
C:/Program Files/arduino 1.0.2/libraries/Ethernet/Dhcp.cpp:4:19: error: w5100.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [Ethernet/Dhcp.o] Error 1

**** Build Finished ****

Do you have any idea what might be the problem?