SPI read write for 32bits data

I changed to this...but still not working...

#include <SPI.h>

int CS = 10;

union FourByte{
    struct {
      unsigned long value:24; //24bit register values go in here
      byte command:8; //8bit command goes in here.
    byte bit8[4]; //this is just used for efficient conversion of the above into 4 bytes.

void setup(){
  pinMode(CS, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
  //example of reading data
 // unsigned long voltage = SPI_read(0x04);//Instantaneous Voltage Channel 1
  //example of writing data
  union FourByte INI;
  INI.command = 0b11111111; //Write to config register
  INI.value = 0xFFFFFE; //This is the default value from datasheet, just using it as an example.
  union FourByte data;
  data.command = 0b11101000; //Write to config register
  data.value = 0xFFFFFE; //This is the default value from datasheet, just using it as an example.

void loop(){
  unsigned long voltage = SPI_read(0x04);

void SPI_write(union FourByte data) {
  digitalWrite(CS,LOW); //Using CS pin, so sync1/sync0 bytes not needed
  for(char i = 3; i >= 0; i--){
    SPI.transfer(data.bit8[i]); //transfer all 4 bytes of data - command first, then Big Endian transfer of the 24bit value.

unsigned long SPI_read(byte command){
  digitalWrite(CS,LOW); //SS goes low to mark start of transmission
  union FourByte data = {0xFEFEFE,command}; //generate the data to be sent, i.e. your command plus the Sync bytes.
  for(char i = 3; i >= 0; i--){
    data.bit8[i] = SPI.transfer(data.bit8[i]); //send the data whilst reading in the result
  digitalWrite(CS,HIGH); //SS goes high to mark end of transmission
  return data.value; //return the 24bit value recieved.